TICKBORNE | Test for Lyme + common confections.
The first tick-borne disease panel to be run on a silicon micro-array platform, providing the highest level of specificity and sensitivity in the industry for detecting tick-borne diseases.
What it includes:
Tick-borne disease testing kit
Consultation with Diana to review your lab work and help you with your next best steps in properly addressing these pathogens
The first tick-borne disease panel to be run on a silicon micro-array platform, providing the highest level of specificity and sensitivity in the industry for detecting tick-borne diseases.
What it includes:
Tick-borne disease testing kit
Consultation with Diana to review your lab work and help you with your next best steps in properly addressing these pathogens
The first tick-borne disease panel to be run on a silicon micro-array platform, providing the highest level of specificity and sensitivity in the industry for detecting tick-borne diseases.
What it includes:
Tick-borne disease testing kit
Consultation with Diana to review your lab work and help you with your next best steps in properly addressing these pathogens
Tick-borne diseases are on the rise and are often difficult to detect if not found early because chronic symptoms can be non-specific and vague. The Tickborne Diseases Complete panel detects both antibodies and PCR (DNA) for Lyme disease, Tick-borne Relapsing Fever, and common tick-borne co-infections, including Babesia, Bartonella, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichiosis.
Lyme disease, one of the most misdiagnosed, undiagnosed and hidden infections.
Don't let the name of this lab confuse you either, Lyme and co-infections can come from any blood sucking insect. Mosquitos, spiders, fleas and others are also able to infect.
It can also be passed from mother to baby in the womb, between sexual partners and also through other means which have the sharing of fluids. The likelihood of infection from any means is based solely on the health of your immune system and your innate ability to defend yourself from the infections, just like your body does with any pathogen.
How many of you have been told you have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or it's all in your head? Many Lyme sufferers have to eventually take things into their own hands if they want a proper diagnosis. Investing in a sensitive lab like this can finally give you the data you need to get pointed in the right direction.
Click here to see a sample report (Tickborne 1.0 results go to half way down page 16, ending right before Rickettsia results. This full report is from the Tickborne 2.0)