Conscious Parasite Cleansing | Medicine for These Times
On a physical level, all chronic illness begins in the gut. But we are not just the physical, we are body-mind-soul, inseparable facets of our being. And many of us are at capacity on all levels—stuck in high stress mode, not just from everything that is happening currently, but from all the early childhood wounds that we have been running away from our whole lives.
When we’re under constant stress, our adrenal glands secrete cortisol, damaging our gut lining, as do the things we do to cope with the stress, like alcohol, coffee, processed food, being on screens 24/7, etc.
This erodes the sacred boundary between our internal and external worlds, allowing invading particles into the bloodstream. Our immune system launches an attack on these proteins and our vital force is diverted to the ever-burning fire of chronic systemic inflammation. The wildfire breeds autoimmunity, chronic pain, digestive issues, allergies, rashes, and so many other health issues. This is how our emotions are made manifest.
The Full Moon Group Parasite Cleanse I have been guiding for the past three months facilitates us in letting go of all that we’ve accumulated over the past two years and beyond, in body-mind-soul so we can feel more freedom, joy, and clarity, through herbs + supplements, release ceremony, somatic coaching, and community connection.
In the most recent cycle, we cleansed in alignment with the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, which asked us to confront our deepest emotions so that we could remember our power to transform any energy or behavior. Through this transformation, we were reminded that we are all magicians and healers.
The way we turn darkness into light is by feeling, not thinking. Diving deep into the body through somatic work, we often find that most of the energies we are carrying do not belong to us. Literally.
emotional highs + lows
impulsive decisions
depression + anxiety
Parasites alter our behavior to their advantage and impact our emotions through their actions on the enteric nervous system / our second brain. Through the inflammation they produce and their impact on our neurotransmitters, nutrition, gut microbiome, hormones, and vitality, they radically reduce our capacity to hold the intensity of the world around us. This can be reflected in the way we maintain our own centeredness in relationship, work environments, family, and social circles or get lost in the other’s path.
In Egyptian cosmology, Maat, the Goddess of Justice, weighed the soul of the departed person against a feather upon the scales. If the scales tipped onto the side of the soul, it was considered too heavy, requiring further purification.
The Conscious Cleanse provides an opportunity to let go of that which is weighing us down, disturbing our peace, and stifling our own pure expression. But we don’t want to go too far to the other extreme, and wage war on all pathogens because in that process we wage a war on ourselves. So we cleanse consciously, listening to the messages and lessons the parasites have for us, honoring their role in the great web of life, and releasing them with compassion. In this way, conscious parasite cleansing can harmonize our inner and outer worlds.
But Ghost Pipe is a powerful ally for humans in extracting the ghosts of our minds that keep us stuck in pain and addiction. This is immeasurably valuable.
While parasites can cause major health issues through chronic immune activation, gut dysfunction, nutrient depletion, and nervous system damage, they are also protecting us by storing many times their weight in heavy metals, viruses, and chemical residues that would otherwise be floating around in our bodies.
The root of the problems we're facing right now is that we've created a world that is separate from nature, chiselling deep chasms between our hearts + minds, our bodies + our spirit, science + spirituality. There’s no escaping the toxic impact our life is having on the environment.
Most of our foods and waters are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and other chemical residues, radiation, our buildings are full of mold, and pathogens are mutating in ways that medicine can’t keep up with.
Parasites are not the enemy—they are just a symptom of the toxicity that we’ve created. They show us that what we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves. The parasites are a physical manifestation of the energies we hold within, continuously activating old energy until we let ourselves feel it, learn from it, and release it.
With the illumination of the Full Moon, we gain access to the deeper parts of ourselves that are normally obscured, allowing us to observe through guided meditation and somatic practice, what is beneath all that we are holding onto—the outdated beliefs, patterns, suppressed emotions, societal conditioning and traumas we’ve accumulated throughout our life and through our ancestral lineage and past lives.
By approaching cleansing gently, with curiosity, compassion, and gratitude, utilizing high quality supplements containing technology that cleanses the heavy metals, viruses, and chemical residues from our terrain, and the support of an experienced guide and healing community, we start to shed the stagnation and uncover ways of being that allow us to truly flourish in this lifetime.
It is more clear than ever that it is high time to be proactive about our health and resilience. I hope you’ll join us in this portal of rebirthing, remembering, and strengthening your Self.